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Shower Mixer Valve Problems

A shower mixer valve is typically responsible for mixing hot and cold water so it doesn’t become too hot or too cold from a shower’s single spout. They can be used on bathtubs as well as showers, but are typically used on showers because of the ever-changing temperature.

Common Shower Mixer Valve Problems

1. Continous Running Water after You Turned off the Shower:

When there is a continuous running volume of water after the shower has been turned off, this can be an indicator that your shower mixer valve has not been properly closed. In most cases, this problem can be fixed quickly with but a simple tightening of the valve’s nut and washer.

2. Shower Handle gets harder to turn:

This can be a sign of a shower handle that is partially broken or warped, which will make it more difficult to turn the handle to change the shower’s temperature. With this problem, there may also be signs of leakage coming from where the valve screws onto your pipes.

3. No Hot Water:

No hot water in any setting can mean several different problems. The first question to ask if this is the case is “Do I have cold water?” If a shower mixer valve is stuck open, no hot water will be available because there is nowhere for the water to go. The shower handle can also get jammed in place, which results in no hot water. Lastly, the valve could have rusted out and needed replacing.

4. Shower runs too cold or too hot:

This problem can be caused by insufficient mixing between hot and cold water. If the cold water is open too much, it will run very hot. If the hot water is open too much, it will run very cold.

5. Water Pressure is reduced:

When there is reduced pressure in your shower head, the cause can be a dirty filter or a broken shower valve that has restricted the flow of water.

6. Shower Water doesn’t Come out Normally:

If your shower handle is binding and not turning smoothly, then it will have to be repaired. Another problem is that when the valve has been broken and has not been replaced, then water will no longer be directed to the showerhead.

7. Water Pressure isn’t Consistent:

If there is reduced pressure in your shower at different times of the day, this problem can be caused by a blockage or partial blockage in the water lines leading to your shower head. This may also indicate a problem with your shower valve.

How to fix Shower Mixer Valve problems?

Remove and clean old shower mixer valve:

Remove the shower mixer valve from the showerhead. Clean it with a rag and some soap and water. Then, put it back onto the shower fixture after you are finished cleaning it. After that, test to see if your problem still exists. If so, then you can start replacing parts of your mixer valve on your own or call a professional plumber for help.

If your shower mixer valve is old:

You can replace the entire shower mixer valve or just the part that you see is malfunctioning. However, if you choose this option, then somehow keep track of which screws go on whereas you are putting them back in place so you do not mix them up with other screws.

If your shower mixer valve is rusted out:

If your shower mixer valve is rusted out, there are two options. You can either try to repair it with a new washer and nut or you can replace the entire unit.

If your shower handle is not turning smoothly:

You can just replace it with a new one that is designed for use in showers so that you do not have to worry about it jamming further. The last thing you want is to get stuck in the shower with nowhere to turn.

If your water pressure is reduced:

There are a few different things you can do to fix this problem, the simplest way being to effectively wrap your shower head in a towel so that the water pressure is not compromised. To do this, simply put a towel over your shower head and let it sit overnight. After that, give your showerhead a try and see if the problem persists.


These are just a few of the most common problems with shower mixer valves that you might encounter. If you encounter any other problems, be sure to contact your local plumber so that they can fix the problem for you.

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